What Is Causing Bad Breath in My Dog?

Bad Breath in Dog

As adorable as your pet is the more annoying is its bad breath. Halitosis or bad breath is a very common pet problem; however, that should never be neglected or ignored because it may be an indicator of severe health complications. It is always better to know the causes and the reasons for bad dog breath which could be minor issues in the beginning but, if left unattended, could lead to major health issues. Click here https://www.todaynewsletter.net/ to read in-depth articles regarding pet health and care.

Oral Diseases Common cause of Bad Breath in Dogs

The most common cause of bad breath in dogs is bad oral care or certain dental problems. The dental problem spurs up due to plaque caused by bacteria and the food the dog eats. Plaque build-up, in turn, leads to gingivitis and if this condition is left untreated it would lead to periodontal disease. Such disease worsens bad breath along with loss of teeth or even abscesses.

Other oral disease that cause bad breath is stomatitis: which causes painful inflammation of the gums and tissues of the mouth along with the bad breath. Oral masses may include cancerous or benign cell growth, and gingiva hyperplasia: which causes overgrowth of the gums that will create deep crevices where bacteria would further dwell.

Diabetes a cause of Bad Dog Breath

The characteristic sweet or fruity odor from your dog’s mouth is an indication that your dog is suffering from diabetes. This fruity odor is often accompanied by frequent drinking of water and an unusual frequency of passing urine. Instead of using a remedy for bad dog breath at your home, in this case, an immediate diagnosis and medical assistance is required. Diabetes is dangerous in both humans and pets as it has further health consequences.

Kidney problems and liver problems are also indicated by bad breath provided you are ever alert with the accompanying symptoms. In case your dog is suffering from kidney problems his mouth will smell like urine or ammonia. Bad dog breath accompanied by vomiting, yellow eyes, and teeth indicates that your dog has liver disease.

Bad dog breath may also imply a gastrointestinal disease that affects the esophagus, intestines, and stomach.

For kidney disease, liver disorder, gastrointestinal disease and diabetes immediate consultation with the vet are essential. Learn more about preventing diseases for your pet on this dedicated website: https://www.city-news.org/.

Constipation and Bad Breath

That is right; constipation and bad dog breath go hand in hand. Bad breath accompanied by stressful excretion or a bloated look on your dog’s face surely means that your dog is suffering from constipation. Gassy poop confirms constipation in most cases. To avoid constipation and the bad breath associated with it you have to be very careful with the dog food that you give to your pet.

Coprophagia also Leads to Bad Dog Breath

Coprophagia is a condition where your dog indulges in a feast of feces when you’re not around or even without your knowledge. Bad dog breath could be a result of this habit of your dog that you were never aware of. Strict and proper training to teach your dog to stay away from fecal matter is essential in such cases.

Baby pets like kittens and puppies suffer from bad dog breath while they undergo the teething process. In fact, foul breath is quite common in kittens and puppies. The bad odor from your pup’s mouth is due to the accumulation of odor-causing bacteria at the gum line where the baby teeth are pushed out by the newly emerging adult teeth.

It is very important for one to understand the importance of maintaining their dog’s health at all times. However, in serious cases, you can visit a veterinary specialist to get your dog attended by an expert. Go to this website https://pindnews.com/ in order to acquire additional information about maintaining your dog’s health.