3 Crucial Aspects You Must Consider Before Picking a Healthy Cat Litter

Healthy Cat Litter

Picking the right cat litter for your kitten is literally a daunting task. With the endless options available, how do you decide what is the best? Now certain varieties are generally healthy for kittens as they learn to use the litter box, you can ask your veterinarian if you need any expert advice. If you want to learn more about cat litter, visit this dedicated website https://tgdailynews.com/ for useful information.

If you are a pet lover, you may agree that your kitten will spend a lot of time in his litter box over the course of his life. The litter you put in the box should not be just clean. It should be healthy as well. There are some considerations that help you to pick a healthy cat litter. The following are:

Dust Factor:

When you are choosing a healthy cat litter for your kitten, you should consider the dust factor. As your cat digs and paws around the litter box, he scoots the litter around. If the litter is full of dust, it will fly up and increase the possibility that the kitty gets a lungful of the stuff. The dust can also get on your kitty’s fur, which means that the first time he grooms himself, he will get a mouthful. Picking a less dusty litter decreases the chance of lung and respiratory infections. This is also better for you since this is easy to inadvertently breathe in the dust while scooping out the box. Make sure to choose a dust-free cat litter so that you and your feline friend can be comfortable with it.

Clumping vs. Non-Clumping:

Now clumping litter makes cleaning up your kitty’s messes a whole lot easier. But there is also a chance your cat will eat the litter, accidentally or on purpose. For kittens, older or ill cats, this could create a mess in more ways than one. Apart from gastrointestinal problems, kittens especially are at risk for blockages which can be fatal. It does not mean that you have to avoid these litters completely. Being a responsible cat owner, it is your responsibility to pick the world’s best cat litter. Go to this website https://vnznews.com/ in order to acquire additional information about healthy food for your pet.

Strong Perfumes and Harsh Chemicals:

Adding perfumes to kitty litter makes perfect sense on paper. However, sometimes the perfume can irritate your feline friend, causing him to avoid the litter box. It is really pathetic when your kitty will find another place to do his business for the perfume. A cat that avoids the litter box and urinates outside of the box is very risky. It may cause urinary tract infections, urinary crystals, and intestinal troubles. At the same time, harsh chemicals in litter also create problems. For example, silica could lead to tummy problems if your kitten licks it off.

In Conclusion:

Adding a new member to your family feels really good. At the same time, a kitten comes with a lot of responsibilities. You should consider numerous things to keep your feline friend safe, and healthy. While picking a healthy type of cat litter, keep in mind the dangers of dust, harmful chemicals, and perfume that can infect your kitten. You can try cat litter made of natural ingredients. These are made of organic materials that keep your adorable friend safe and healthy all the time. For more information about kitten health and care, kindly visit this dedicated website: https://www.gossipnewsline.com/.