On Your Way to an MBA: Tips for Business School Acceptance


You want that MBA so badly; you can taste it. News flash: so do thousands of other students. You need to set yourself apart from the crowd. It’s not enough to have good test scores and belong to a few social clubs – unless you happen to be friends with the dean. No, what you need is a multi-pronged plan to guarantee your success. If you want to know tips for Business School Acceptance, then you could refer to the website https://thewebdruid.com/. This website contains tips on how to prepare yourself for applying and getting accepted into business school.

Ace The GMAT

It all starts with testing – in this case, the GMAT. Give yourself a reasonable shot at getting into the school of your choice. Study, and make sure you get into the 600-700+ range. Any lower than that, and you should just consider retaking the exam. Sure, you can try to press ahead anyway, but it puts a lot of pressure on the rest of your application.

Good grades are where you start. If you don’t build that foundation, you’re constructing a house of cards from here on out. Take Knewton’s GMAT prep course if you have to.

Keep It Personal

When you choose references, don’t make the mistake of choosing old college professors or guidance counselors from high school. Keep it personal. Choose people you know well from business or some type of academic standing. If you were friends with one of your professors, then put his name down.

Don’t try to impress the admissions office. There isn’t an impressive name on your list that they haven’t seen before. Putting down people who can speak articulately about your performance, know you personally, and can attest to your strength of character and passion.

Work On Your Resume

There are plenty of MBA application resume samples online, if you need them. Compare what you’ve got written down so far with professional resumes. If you are in the middle of an online marketing degree for instance, make sure you list it as this shows your professional outlook and skill building. You might be surprised at what you find. MBA admissions require that you have an outstanding resume that highlights your work experience as well as your ability to present yourself professionally. It’s a tightrope act – balancing professionalism with creativity and passion. You could check the website https://cluebees.com/ for getting information tips for your Resume. The tips are helpful to fill up your resume correctly to get better job opportunities, interview, and land a successful career with a high salary or promotion.

Highlight Your Work Experience

Business schools don’t want you if you can’t show that you know what you’re doing out there. It might seem like a catch 22, but you have to bring something to the table. The school’s job is to fine-tune your existing skills. Business experience demonstrates your degree of commitment and shows that you have a practical understanding of the real world.

While every school is different, most of the good ones want you to have at least three to five years of work experience before they will accept your application. When you submit your work experience, explain how an MBA will bridge your past experience with your long-term business goals.

Tell A Story

Make sure that everything in your application is consistent. Your essays, references, work experience, and grades must all tell a consistent story. They must all tie together and show admissions who you really are.

Your narrative should paint you as the perfect choice for the school’s MBA program. Your references will act as the glue that validates everything you have to say about yourself. By the end of your application, the admissions office should be begging you to come to their school. You can use the https://venturecake.com/ website to find tips on how to make your resume stand out.