Great Hog Roast Side Dish Ideas

Hog Roast

Whether you are planning a hog roast in Sheffield or Edinburgh, you will want to impress your guests. Most people really enjoy spit-roasted pork.

However, some people do not eat meat, or cannot eat pork because of religious or dietary reasons. Therefore, it is always a good idea to provide a range of side dishes. If you are interested to learn more about healthy food visit this dedicated website for useful information.

Here are a few ideas to help you to plan what you serve to accompany your hog roast.

Finger foods and canapés

Mini pizzas, quiches, samosas, and sausage rolls always go down well. They are tasty and easy to eat. If you mix in some vegetarian options, you keep everyone happy.

Salads and vegetables

These days, people like to have the option to eat healthily, so providing a salad is always a good idea. The best approach is to provide the basic vegetables along with a choice of dressings and some deep bowls. This will allow your guests to make up their own salad, dress it and have it topped with some of the warm meat, if they want to.

Providing roasted vegetables is another great way of offering a healthy option. Steamed vegetables are another great option.

Roast, jacket or boiled potatoes all taste great when combined with roasted meats. If you provide gravy or Jeux, your guests have the option to put together a full roast dinner, should they want to.

Sauces and sides

Including barbecue, chili, and curry sauces allow people to flavour their roasted meats to suit their tastes. If you are looking for a website which provides you with complete information regarding healthy food and cooking tips, then take a look at this website for useful information.


Most people like to eat their pulled pork in a bap with stuffing and applesauce, so it is always a good idea to provide this option.


Everyone loves something sweet, so it is worth ordering some desserts as well. Chocolate cake, apple pie, and a fruit salad will keep most guests happy. We suggest adding cream, ice cream, and custard to give everyone a bit more choice. Go to this website in order to acquire additional information regarding delicious food and their cooking tips.