The Benefits Of Energy Efficiency: Much More Than Saving


With the implementation of energy efficiency measures with help of active business services, companies manage to reduce their energy-related expenses. But beyond paying less in the end-of-month receipts, energy efficiency supposes multiple additional advantages that go beyond the strictly energetic scope. Click here to get more details about Energy efficiency.

  1. Productivity increases. Lower energy consumption is equivalent to a higher productivity. That is, the most energy efficient companies are also more productive. A good example is the paper industry, which is highly energy consuming. Thanks to the commitment of companies in the sector for energy efficiency, they have been able to cope with the continuous increases in the price of energy. Otherwise they would have lost competitiveness.
  2. Greater performance of workers. There are studies that show that workers in companies that are concerned about energy efficiency and sustainability are paying more. One of the aspects that most influences the productivity of employees is lighting. The building’s architecture allows natural light to enter almost any workplace, an intelligent system regulates the lighting depending on the exterior light and LED luminaires have been installed. In addition to a saving in the receipt of electricity of 60%, workers have gained in comfort and now enjoy a higher quality of light that stimulates them to a greater extent to develop their tasks.
  3. Health & Wellness. It is concluded that employees working in energy efficient buildings have a cognitive function of 26% superior, sleep quality 6% better and 30% less symptoms than what is known as a sick building. That is, workers are more comfortable and enjoy better health in companies that are concerned about energy efficiency. Because of that one can take benefits of active energy services and can save energy and use those resources somewhere else.
  4. Less rotation of the template. Energy efficiency is also a factor in attracting and retaining talent. In addition to working conditions, employees value the opportunity to work in companies that care about the welfare of society as a whole and the environment. Being energy efficient is, in this sense, a point in favor when it comes to attracting the best professionals or preventing them from going to the competition. An aid that does not come at all bad if one takes into account that almost 20% of workers in large companies are disengaged or in clear desertion with their companies with the greatest capacity to attract and retain talent in the country. If you want to get more details about LED lights for offices and homes, visit this website for useful information.
  5. Reduction of operation and maintenance costs. In the search for energy efficiency, it is also possible to reduce operation and maintenance costs. A good example of this is the efficient climate management system. In addition to guaranteeing 15% energy savings in air conditioning, Active Business Services work in field of saving energy. If one read active energy then find out that this is one of best company who has been committed to offering commercial and industrial natural gas and electricity supply and risk management solutions to their clientele. For more details about technologies, click here: