Setting up a home on a budget

Setting up a home on a budget

Whether you are moving into your very first property, or this will be the umpteenth time you have moved, it is essential to set a strict budget. Preparation is the key to setting up a home on a budget, and by being organized you will not spend more than is needed. You can click on the website for some general advice on how to move on a tight budget.

Enjoy these top tips for anyone looking to move on a tight budget.

Know what you need (and what you don’t)

When you get your own place for the very first time it can be tempting to want to buy anything and everything to make it the place of your dreams. However, those with smaller budgets will be wise to purchase only essential items at first, before spending cash on more decorative additions. Making your house a home can be a slow process, and if you accept that it is going to take time to get it exactly as you want it, your finances will thank you for it.

Sometimes it pays to buy new…

You may be thinking about saving money by purchasing second-hand items but there are some household items that you should buy new. When possible, always buy electrical items such as cookers, fridges, washing machines, and tumble dryers new. By purchasing brand-new electrical goods, you are ensured of their safety, and you may also receive a warranty which means your items can be repaired or replaced if they break down within a certain date of purchase.

Sometimes second-hand will do

As long as safety precautions are taken, it is perfectly fine to buy second-hand furniture and decorative furnishings. Scour online auction and freebie sites for couches, dining tables and chairs, and even beds, and side tables. Always ask to see an image of safety labels for soft furnishings to check that they have been safety tested. It is also always worth asking friends and family if they have any unwanted items. You can also get some basic steps to setting up a home information website on idreamhomez.

Lean on your friends

As soon as your friends know you are moving, they are sure to offer some help with the move. If they don’t get the hint, ask them if they would be willing to spare a little time to help. Use social media to discover if anyone you know with a bigger vehicle would be willing to help move furniture for a small fee, or for free, as hiring a removals van or service can sometimes be expensive.

Hold off on the decorating

When you first move it can be tempting to want to give your new place a complete overhaul, but is it necessary? So what if the walls are a bland shade of cream? You can put your own personal stamp on the place without whipping out the paints. A plain backdrop can be an advantage in a new home as it can be brightened up with framed photographs and wall art. Re-decorating can be expensive, so think about whether your new home really needs it. The website the home picz provides you with information on decorating homes with some tips and ideas.