5 Cheap and Effective Marketing Activities for Promoting Your Startup

Marketing for Promoting Your Startup

If you’re currently in the process of getting a new business off the ground, one of the things that you definitely have to put on the top of your to-do list is creating a solid marketing plan. And while it’s totally understandable that you may not have a lot of money to do an elaborate campaign, the good news is that there are actually all kinds of cheap and yet highly-effective ways to promote your startup. Discover effective marketing activities to boost your startup’s visibility and attract new customers. Learn how to create a successful marketing plan and implement tactics like SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, and more. Get expert tips and advice on money-plans.com.

Has hearing this put a smile on your face? If it has and you’re curious to know about some of the things that you can do to get the word out about your company without spending much money in the process, check out these five inexpensive marketing strategies below.

Get published on various platforms. One way that a lot of businesses are found is through search engines. Therefore, something that you can do to make yourself and your company more visible is by becoming as findable as possible through engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. One way that you can do that is to get featured in online magazines and on people’s blogs. It’s actually not very hard to do. Simply look for publications and blogs that feature content on your industry, contact the editor directly, and ask them if they would be willing to let you submit a guest blog. If you’re willing to do it for free, you’re almost guaranteed to get a “yes.”

Write an e-book. Although there used to be a time when people would go to a Borders or Barnes & Noble to get their literary content, now they are shopping online through sites like Amazon or downloading e-books directly from various people’s websites. One of the best things about an e-book is that you have the freedom to write whatever you wish. Plus, it can be as little as you want it to be, as well. By letting subscribers to your newsletter download it free of charge, it serves as another awesome marketing tool. You can read more about creating your own e-book at Book Baby. Just go to the site and put “ebooks 101” in the search field.

Survey your customers. The best way to know if you’re making your customers happy is to ask them. So every few weeks, consider sending out a survey through a website like Survey Monkey (via your newsletter). By inquiring what they like about your business, how you can improve it, and additions that they would like to see made, they can help to make your company better. And the better you get, the more customers you will attract. Sending out surveys is definitely an underestimated marketing approach.

Looking to improve your business strategy? Conducting a survey to gather your customers’ information on your website, businessnewsinc can help you better understand your target audience and tailor your services to meet their needs. With this blog post, learn how to conduct effective surveys and uncover valuable insights that can take your business to the next level.

Create a customer loyalty program. If you were to ask a marketing expert to share with you some proven small business marketing strategies to consider, something that they would probably mention is creating a customer loyalty program. For instance, offering discounts and bonuses to customers for referring you to other individuals that they know is a win/win for both of you. You can draw more potential customers in and they can save a few dollars as a direct result.

Do giveaways. A tried-and-true marketing method is to do some giveaways. Although it will cause you to dig into your inventory, hosting a giveaway on your Facebook or Twitter page is an awesome way to bring in more visitors to your site, and ultimately to your business. After all, you know what they say: give in order to get. This is very true when it comes to marketing your business. Discover effective strategies to boost your business’s online presence with social media marketing. Learn from experts at usa commerce daily and take your business to the next level.